Monday, September 25, 2017

Trials refine our emotions. Then blessings come.

From the Doctrine and Covenants, Section 103, verse 12:  “For after much tribulation, as I have said unto you in a former commandment, cometh the blessing.”

This is an important scripture, and it applies to emotional health in several ways.

First, there is tribulation.  That's a fact.  Life is not easy, and it's not meant to be easy.  In the gospel plan we are taught that it's necessary to have opposites, and that we learn and grow as we experience the opposites.  

It's not wrong to experience tribulation.  It's part of the plan.  It wouldn't be called tribulation if it wasn't hard, and it is natural for us to struggle and to become emotionally involved in that struggle.  Sometimes we think we're bad because we are having a hard time.  NO.

However, this scripture gives us comfort in tribulation.  We know that blessings come after we are tried.  That can give us the strength to look for our source of blessings - the Savior and Heavenly Father, and allow us to continue in faith through the "enduring" process.

This is a very different philosophy than one we are taught in the humanistic Law of Attraction.  The Law of Attraction says that we attract what we want as we focus on  those things.  Yes, to an extent.  But when we forget that blessings come after tribulation, we may not realize that tribulation is part of the law and the process.  The Law of Attraction seems to say that if we can just get in harmony with the  vibration of what we want, we won't experience the pain.  That is false, and leads us away from the understanding that in tribulation, we rely on God, plead for grace, and endure in God's timing.

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